Allegra Salvoni
Supervision for Coaches
Developing your growing edge as a practitioner.
In supervision with me, you'll learn about yourself, who you are as a coach and what your growing edges are
You'll learn how to meet those edges and go beyond them. You'll learn about relationship dynamics - yours and those of your clients. Our work will support and supplement your coaching, your learning AND your self development journey.
It will also be a journey of personal transformation.
Supervision is a formal, professional space in which to to explore, in confidence, your client work and the themes and patterns that are emerging between you; to gain clarity, support and direction in order to work better in service of your clients - and to maintain good practice.
Together we unpack what happens when you have difficulty with certain clients - what emerges between you, in YOU and I also offer what is coming up for me as you talk about it. This gives us a landscape from which to explore what dynamics might be being played out - and how you might use this understanding to approach the work differently.
Some of the questions we might explore are:
What are you feeling when you are with or talking about your client?
What do you notice you're not saying or doing?
What is present in the clients life that is being called forth in your sessions with them?
What is the parallel process?
Where is the line between therapy and coaching?
How can all of this inform the work?
The ICF Board strongly encourages Supervision and says:
“Coaching Supervision is a collaborative learning practice to continually build the capacity of the coach through reflective dialogue for the benefit of both coaches and clients. (It) focuses on the development of the coach’s capacity through offering a richer and broader opportunity for support and development…and creates a safe environment for the coach to share their successes and failures in becoming masterful in the way they work with their clients.
If you're looking for a supervisor you may want to...
Explore your contracting and working alliance, including help with multi-party contracting
Deepen your coaching presence
Establish better boundaries
Deepen your understanding of working with particular content and process
Explore your own personal development through your coaching work
Develop your own 'internal supervisor'
Get new perspectives on your coaching
Develop your range of interventions and tools
Understand where you may be experiencing - and therefore how to work with - parallel processes
Receive constructive feedback
Create experiments and applications through which you can learn and grow
Develop a more systemic understanding – of you as coach, your client and the wider field in which you both sit
Ensure that standards and ethics are maintained
Work through ethical dilemmas
My supervision qualifications and training.
What you can expect from me
Making sure you are working safely and ethically.
I commit to creating a safe, non-judgemental space for you to explore any ethical dilemmas emerging in your work.
I will support you to ensure you are working within an appropriate coaching framework and highlight where I feel clients require more therapeutic support. I will also flag where I believe there is a safety risk or concern for you or the coachee and offer appropriate interventions to support these.
It is always helpful to understand why clients (and coaches!) do the things they do or feel the way they do.
Psycho-education helps us understand the impact that a client's history, current life situation or relationships may have on their availability for coaching - and how to navigate this. It can also offer insight into what is emerging between you, how you are contributing to this - and how this could be impacting your effectiveness as a coach.
A sounding board.
I offer a space for you to bring any doubts, worries or questions about your work.
I will listen - but more importantly seek to hear what is not being spoken out loud, for both you and your clients, so that I may support both your growth and theirs. And I will support you, walk alongside you, explore and offer gentle challenge where needed, every step of the way.
Personal growth.
I commit to your growth as a coach, but more importantly, as a human being.
Together we will foster a deeper understanding of your coaching style and what gets in the way of you being the best you can be - and design creative ways of engaging with your process to help shift and expand your coaching style.
Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to learn.
~ Pema Chödrön
Copyright Allegra Salvoni 2023
Headshot by Bronac McNeill Photography