Allegra Salvoni
About me
A little background.
I'm a little bit rock-chick, a little bit urban hippie,
a bit of a festival lover and a happy ex-hedonist with spiritual tendencies.I'm a traveller, a scuba diver, a skier, a runner, an artist, a creative, a music lover and a lyric chaser, a rationalist and a pragmatist with a side helping of aspirational and an extra portion of inspirational.
I am many things and I'm also nothing at all. I can be all things to all people and I can also be none.
I don't define myself by what anyone else does or how they choose to live their lives.
I find my own way and I am stubborn enough to pursue something I believe in,
at times beyond what most people would consider sensible.
I don't give up, I believe in myself and I absolutely, 100%,
trust my own process, my instincts and what my body tells me.
I am a work in progress.
And I work on the basis that none us ever 'arrive', but we are merely in a state of flux. Moving between one experience and the next. How we meet each experience is down to us, our conditioning and our desires to be conscious of our choices. When we can't move it's because some part of us chooses not to. And there is usually a very good reason for that. I trust our biological intelligence unequivocally.
I've never met an obstacle in my own life that I haven't been able to overcome. This work is a result of my own journey and the ongoing learning (and frankly, my stubborn refusal to be defeated).
I offer myself as a fellow traveller so that others may benefit from what I've learned.
How I got here....
I am someone who feels things deeply and wants to understand why things are as they are. It has never been enough for me to just baseline an event as 'because it just did' or label someone as being 'a selfish arsehole' and leave it at that. I felt if I could understand the events that happened to me and how I and another collided to create whatever the situation was - I could learn to do differently. Or at the very least have the choice. A necessary by-product of this process was that I developed a shit-ton of empathy and compassion for myself and consequently, for others - and a surprisingly healthy relationship with shame. If I got triggered I knew there was work to do. And I've gotten very good at forgiving myself for being human and therefore, inherently flawed.
My biggest struggle used to be addressing my reactivity - catastrophic endings, anger, shame, depression, anxiety. The feeling of never being good enough whilst at the same time feeling like I was too much, that I overwhelmed and therefore would inevitably destroy anything important to me.
All of this intensity still lives inside me - how could it not? I am human and I feel. What has changed is that I have dug deep and healed the wounds that allow those feelings to control my life. Also - as someone who always took too much responsibility for other people's behaviour, I have now learned to discern what is mine to work through and what belongs in someone else's pile. It's a much more peaceful and robust place to be.
And - with all this intensity comes a lot of creativity. I am an entrepreneur at heart. I love innovation and the creative process. I love crafting spaces that help people think about concepts and themselves in a different light. Workshops, branding, communication, art, music... Anything that uses words and imagery to inspire, shift perspectives, grow. I feel most alive when I am in discovery with another - exploring and excavating their truth so that they can be seen, known and developed.
A few of my previous employers...
My philosophy.
- We are one system. We do not live independently of each other and the environment we live in.
- To live meaningfully means to live consciously. We cannot live in harmony when aspects of our lives are continually being ignored.
- Integration of all parts of ourselves is the path to balance.
- Healthy boundaries are necessary for self-support and self-care.
- We can always strive to be honourable, do the right thing, be kind and offer compassion and understanding.
- We can always strive to dance with what is with elegance.
- Self-knowing - and an ability to be with ourselves and others in openness and in the 'not knowing' - expands our capacity for connection.
- We are an event: a creative, complex and infinitely changing system meeting a huge, complex and infinitely changing environment.
- Context is key. What we do and why we do things are a condition of the unique configuration and meeting of person, place and environment. There is no 'one' way.
My credentials:
And finally - a mish-mash of tidbits...
- I swear. A lot.
- Out of preference, you will usually find me wearing soft comfortable clothing: soft textiles, warm hoodies, floaty tops, woogy jumpers, trackie bottoms...
- I have trained with Metanoia Institute, The Gestalt Centre, The Embodied Facilitator Course, The Coaches Training Institute, CRR UK, The Integrated Coaching Academy, International School of Hypnosis and Regression Therapy, The Comprehensive Resource Model Training School, Vibrant Being, Relational Change.
- Working with me means digging deep and discovering things about yourself that you may not have realised before. This may be surprising, sometimes even hard, but it will always be liberating.
- I walk around bare foot - a lot.
- Our sessions will be conversational in tone, but always in service to your growth.
- I have a sense of humour - and I laugh at myself.
- This work means entering a co-created space.
- I believe that real, lasting change happens from the inside-out. So our work begins with excavation and discovery. As your awareness grows, choice becomes possible. And this leads to change.
- In the end, change happens naturally, when we meet ourselves differently.
Copyright Allegra Salvoni 2023
Headshot by Bronac McNeill Photography